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Enhancing Accessibility, Reliability, and Validation of Actionable Information from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Image Data


Peer-reviewed journal articles

Han, X., Thomasson, J. A., Wang, T., & Swaminathan, V., 2020. Autonomous mobile ground control point improves accuracy of agricultural remote sensing through collaboration with UAV. Inventions, 5(1), 12.

Han, X., Thomasson, J. A., Xiang, Y., Gharakhani, H., Yadav, P. K., & Rooney, W. L., 2019. Multifunctional ground control points with a wireless network for communication with a UAV. Sensors, 19(13), 2852.

Han, X., Thomasson, J. A., Bagnall, G. C., Pugh, N. A., Horne, D., Rooney, W. L., Jung, J., Chang, A., Malambo, L., Popescu, S., Gates, I., & Cope, D. A., 2018. Measurement and calibration of plant-height from fixed-wing UAV images. Sensors, 18(12), 4092.

Conference Presentations

Han, X., Thomasson, A., Siegfried, J., Raman, R., Rajan, N., & Neely, H. (2019). Calibrating UAV-Based Thermal Remote-Sensing Images of Crops with Temperature Controlled References. In 2019 ASABE Annual International Meeting (p. 1). American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. Boston, MA.

Thomasson, A. (2020). Cooperative Air and Ground Robots for Field Phenotyping. Phenome 2020. Tucson, AZ.

Han, X., J.A. Thomasson. 2019. Coordination and control for automatic mobile ground control points in agricultural remote sensing. In Proc. Autonomous Air and Ground Sensing Systems for Agricultural Optimization and Phenotyping IV. Bellingham, Wash.:SPIE.

Han, X., J.A. Thomasson, and Y. Xiang. Multifunctional Ground Control Points based on Wireless System Network for UAS Application. ASABE Paper No. 1800308. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE.

Han, X. April 2019. Coordination and control for automatic mobile ground control points in agricultural remote sensing. Autonomous Air and Ground Sensing Systems for Agricultural Optimization and Phenotyping IV conference, SPIE Defense and Commercial Sensing symposium.

Han, X. July 2018. Multifunctional Ground Control Points based on Wireless System Network for UAS Application. ASABE Annual International Meeting


Davidson, C. L., 2021. Using artificial intelligence to predict NDVI/NDRE from standard RGB aerial imagery. MS Thesis, University of Illinois