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Enhancing Accessibility, Reliability, and Validation of Actionable Information from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Image Data


The goal of this project was to improve farm profitability and productivity on a broad scale through UAS-image-data-enhanced decision making. This research represents a critical step towards developing tools and precision technologies for monitoring, measurement, and detection in agricultural systems. UAS will not add greatly to farm productivity and profitability until there are practical ways to readily and reliably produce timely, actionable information from the data they offer. This project created tools that improve the likelihood of collecting quality data with a UAV on the front end and additional tools that improve the usefulness of this data on the back end.

Project Personnel

Dr. Joby Czarnecki, Principle Investigator
Associate Research Professor
Geosystems Research Institute
Mississippi State University
Dr. John Thomasson (Alex), Co-Investigator
Professor & Head and Endowed Chair
Agricultural Biological Engineering
Mississippi State University
Dr. Brian Smith, Co-Investigator
Associate Professor
Industrial & Systems Engineering
Mississippi State University
Dr. Brien Henry, Co-Investigator
Plant & Soil Sciences
Mississippi State University
Dr. Girish Chowdhary, Co-Investigator
Assistant Professor
Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign


This work was supported by Agricultural Engineering grant no. 2018-67021-27668 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

Period of Performance

April 1, 2018 – March 31, 2021