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HPC A212

(662) 325-5972

Box 9627
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Joby M.
Geosystems Research Institute


HPC A212

(662) 325-5972

Box 9627
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Research Interest
Dr. Joby Czarnecki is focused on how geospatial technologies can enable growers to target placement of conservation practices on the landscape to reduce the environmental impact of production agriculture without compromising the bottom line.
Selected Publications Total Publications:  105 
Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Samiappan, S., Bheemanahalli, R., Huang, Y., & Shammi, S. A. (2025). A Brief History of Remote Sensing of Soybean. Agronomy Journal. 117(1), e70004. DOI:10.1002/agj2.70004.

Freeland, T., Gholson, D., Lo, H., Singh, G., Kaur, G., Larson, E. J., & Prince Czarnecki, J. M. (2024). Furrow Irrigation Spacing Effects on Corn Production in Vertisols of the Mississippi Delta. Crop, Forage, & Turfgrass Management. 10(2), e20306. DOI:10.1002/cft2.20306.

Li, Z., Miles, D. M., Podrebarac, F. A., Brooks, J. P., Adeli, A., Smith, R., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Moorhead, R. J., & Hu, J. (2024). Nitrous Oxide Fluxes during a Winter Cover Crop Season in a Mississippi Corn Cropping Systems. Soil & Environmental Health. 2(4), 100103. DOI:10.1016/j.seh.2024.100103.

Prince Czarnecki, J. M., Brooks, J. P., Reeks, M., & Hu, J. (2024). Spatial and Temporal Variability of Soil Biological and Chemical Parameters Following the Introduction of Cover Crops into a Conventional Corn-cotton Rotational System. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Precision Agriculture. Manhattan, KS: International Society of Precision Agriculture.

Muller, I., Li, M., Prince Czarnecki, J. M., & Smith, B. K. (2024). Predicting Soil Cation Exchange Capacity from Satellite Imagery Using Random Forest Models. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Precision Agriculture. Manhattan, KS: International Society of Precision Agriculture.