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Mississippi Department of Marine Resources Offers Paid Internships

March 25, 2015 - The MDMR has established a paid internship program as part of the State of Mississippi College Internship Program. The deadline date to apply is Friday, April 10, 2015. The program requires students to ...

GRI Intellectual Property Moves from Research to Development to Marketplace

March 25, 2015 - Researchers at the Geosystems Research Institute, an HPC2 member institute, have created innovative geospatial technology that is being launched into the market place with the help of Mississippi ...
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MSU's Geosystems Research Institute UAS Research is Highlighted in AgWired

March 6, 2015 - Robert Moorhead, director of the Geosystems Research Institute and Northern Gulf Institute at Mississippi State University, was at the 2015 Mid-South Farm & Gin Show to showcase the research being ...

2015 Oil Spill Science Conference Wrapping Up

February 20, 2015 - The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) is wrapping up the 2015 Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference in Houston, TX. (From Gulf of Mexico Alliance) - More than 1000 people from 21 countries ...

UAS in Agriculture

February 20, 2015 - From Bloomberg BNA- By Catherine Boudreau The benefits of using drones on farms—from scouting crops to managing inputs like nitrogen and herbicides—have the agriculture industry embracing the Federal ...

Vice President of Research and Economic Development Earns National Award

February 13, 2015 - The Weed Science Society of America presented David Shaw, the university's vice president for research and economic development, with its 2015 Public Service Award for his leadership on the issue of herbicide ...

UAS Magazine Talks to Robert Moorhead about UAS Public Education

February 9, 2015 - UAS Magazine's Patrick C. Miller talks to Robert Moorhead about Mississippi State's efforts in educating the public about unmanned aerial systems use in precisions agriculture and forestry. ...

National Publication UAS Magazine Highlights Precision Ag UAS Research at Mississippi State

February 6, 2015 - Unmanned Aerial Systems research conducted by MSU's Geosytems Research Institute and the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station is garnering national attention. Read about how Dr. Robert ...

AUVSI's Magazine Highlights GRI/NGI UAS Research and MSU's ASSURE UAS Alliance

February 6, 2015 - The Association for Unmanned Systems International's Magazine, Unmanned Systems, highlights how Mississippi State's unmanned systems research is helping the state build its economy via air, ground and ...

NOAA - Northern Gulf Institute Diversity Internship Program Seeks Mentors and Applicants

January 30, 2015 - NOAA - Northern Gulf Institute Diversity Internship Program is currently seeking mentors and applicants to participate in the 2015 NOAA-NGI Diversity Internship Program. The Program is a 10 week summer ...