MBRACE 2- Core Research Program Overview
The MBRACE Core Research program for 2020 – 2022 will continue to model and
assess seasonal trends in Mississippi Sound water quality, the dynamics of
freshwater inflow into the Sound, and the suitability of Sound waters for
sustainable oyster production. During the initial round of Core Research
Program funding (2018-2020), the MBRACE partners, at USM, MSU, JSU and UM,
collected essential base-line data that supported assessments of western
Mississippi Sound water quality, stressors impacting water quality, oyster
biology and ecology, and oyster reef health and sustainability. This new
project extends the original Core Research Program’s research activity through
continuing to model and assess water quality in the western Mississippi Sound
while expanding our research activities into bays and other coastal waters,
assessing locations with the potential for sustainable estuarine ecosystem
development, and synthesizing all data from the first phase of research for
distribution and use by competitively funded projects. Due to record flooding
in much of the Mississippi River valley, the Bonnet Carré spillway was opened
in 2018 and twice in 2019 to relieve flooding pressure on levees in New
Orleans. This unprecedented event resulted in a large influx of freshwater into
the Mississippi Sound through Lake Pontchartrain. This project gathers the data
needed to model and assess: (1) the return of water quality conditions in the
western Mississippi Sound that can support and sustain existing oyster reefs;
(2) oyster spat movement and successful recruitment onto reefs; (3) the
reestablishment of oyster reefs growing toward harvestable size; and (4) the
overall ecosystem services of the Sound. This provides the MBRACE team with a
unique opportunity to study the recovery of an estuarine ecosystem from a major
event. The effort to assess the Sound’s recovery and identify potential
locations for establishing new oyster reefs consist of a comprehensive,
interleaved observational and modeling approach that provides a holistic view
of the Mississippi Sound marine ecosystem. The research integrates water
quality and ecological data with a coordinated suite of numerical models. Data
are obtained by ship-based sampling, in situ sensor platforms, and spat
settlement experiments. The models provide insight on water quality conditions
throughout the Sound, advective pathways suitable for oyster spat transport,
settlement, and successful recruitment, and near real-time projection of the
impact of spillway openings, flooding events, and storms. The use of high
spatial and temporal resolution remotely sensed imagery provides all
researchers with a synoptic view of conditions of the Mississippi Sound and the
contributing land surface areas. Project results will provide a more thorough
understanding of the recovery of the western Mississippi Sound and its oyster
reefs, a science-based approach to selecting new areas for oyster and ecosystem
restoration, and the initialization of a long-term set of data describing
conditions in the Mississippi Sound.