Rigorous studies that incorporate spatial and temporal replication are
important to understanding the overall efficacy and longevity of marsh terraces
in Gulf coastal systems. This research seeks to improve scientific
understanding and practice related to marsh terrace implementation through
numerical modeling informed by spatiotemporal analysis or remotely sensed and
in situ field data collected through traditional as well as novel platforms and
techniques. Coincident observations from paired terraced and proximal reference
or control sites (The National Academy of Sciences [NAS] 2017) will be used to
directly evaluate the efficacy of terraces on six aspects of performance. These
include: 1) hydro-and sediment dynamics including suspended solids, sediment
transport, retention, and accretion, 2) shoreline erosion, 3) submerged aquatic
vegetation (SAV) production, 4) emergent marsh creation, 5) avian resource use,
and 6) terrace longevity. Additionally, the observations of water, sediment,
and ecological parameters will be made with state-of-the-art sensors, in some
cases deployed from autonomous platforms. While previous studies have focused
on some of these aspects or methodological approaches, none have extended
across the breadth of space and time of this study.