Publication Abstract
White Paper: Holistic Water Resources Management, A Professional Education Plan
McAnally, W. H., Alarcon, V. J., Amburn, P., Baca, J. A., Ballweber, J. A., Cartwright, J. H., Ervin, G. N., Jackson, R. E., Martin, James L., Ortega-Achury, S. L., Ramirez-Avila, J. J., & Wilkerson, G. W. (2009). White Paper: Holistic Water Resources Management, A Professional Education Plan. Mississippi State University: Northern Gulf Institute.
Watershed-scale management for sustainable use of water resources is a topic of considerable interest to many, ranging from EPA’s to the Corps of Engineers to state and local agencies. Actually accomplishing watershed-scale management is difficult for a variety of reasons, including a lack of people knowledgeable in the many disciplines and cognizant of all the stakeholders involved in watershed processes.
This document presents a proposed framework to meet the educational needs for watershed management -- to give professional water resources managers the knowledge, skills, and tools to successful implement holistic watershed management.
Holistic watershed management is defined here as practices and processes designed to achieve sustainable water resources use for the benefit of humans and the natural environment throughout the watershed.