Publication Abstract
NOAA Atmospheric, Marine and Arctic Monitoring Using UASs (Including Rapid Response)
Coffey, J. C., Hood, R. E., Jacobs, T., Hall, P., Walker, J., & Moorhead, R. J. (2015). NOAA Atmospheric, Marine and Arctic Monitoring Using UASs (Including Rapid Response). 2015 AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA: AGU.
Unmanned systems have the potential to efficiently, effectively, economically, and safely bridging critical observation requirements in an environmentally friendly manner. As the United States’ Atmospheric, Marine and Arctic areas of interest expand and include hard-to-reach regions of the Earth (such as the Arctic and remote oceanic areas) optimizing unmanned capabilities will be needed to advance the United States’ science, technology and security efforts. Through increased multi-mission and multi-agency operations using improved inter-operable and autonomous unmanned systems, the research and operations communities will better collect environmental intelligence and better protect our Country against hazardous weather, environmental, marine and polar hazards. This presentation will examine NOAA’s Atmospheric, Marine and Arctic Monitoring UAS strategies which includes developing a coordinated effort to maximize the efficiency and capabilities of unmanned systems across the federal government and research partners. Numerous intra- and inter-agency operational demonstrations and assessments have been made to verify and validated these strategies. This includes the introduction of the Targeted Autonomous Insitu Sensing and Rapid Response (TAISRR) with Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) concept of operations. The presentation will also discuss the requisite UAS capabilities and our experience in using them.