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GRI Scientist Featured in ESPN/BASS Article on Invasive Species

September 8, 2005

Story Photo Eurasian water milfoil is a pesky plant that- once out of hand - is difficult toexterminate. Photo by Alison Fox,University of Florida
To kill or not to kill? That is the question fisheries managers askevery year about the surface mats of Eurasian water milfoil thatchoke fisheries, impede navigation and, ultimately, stunt fishgrowth rates on prime bass waters across the nation.

Indeed, it had been the question for a number of years at Spring Lake, a fishery located in Tazewell County south of Pekin, Illinois.

A recent article from ESPN/BASS describes the devastating choking powers of the invasive water milfoil on Spring Lake. Dr. John Madsen, Assistant Professor with the GRI and an acknowledged milfoil authority, was quoted extensively in the article.

Dr. Madsen describes, "Ecologically, it [water milfoil] reduces the transfer of oxygen, which reduces the natural re-aeration of the water. Oxygen levels under the milfoil canopies are very low. It also interferes with light penetration and shades out the native plants, reducing the diversity of plant and animal life."

The full article, titled Vegetation Matters, is provided in PDF format.

Dr. Madsen may be reached at 662-325-2428 or via email at