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Dr. Robert Moorhead Receives IEEE Award

October 21, 2004

At the 15th annual IEEE Visualization Conference held in Austin, TX Oct10-15, 2004, Dr. Robert Moorhead, Professor of ECE and Director of theVisualization, Analysis, and Imaging Lab (VAIL), a part of the GRI, received an IEEE Computer Society Meritorious Service Award "For significantly advancing the Technical Committee on Visualization and Graphics as Conference Vice-Chair and Chair and for dedicated service to the Visualization Conference". Moorhead was also the the general chair in 1997 and the senior chair in 1998.

Moorhead, along with 4 of his colleagues, also received the Best PanelAward for their panel on "What Should We Teach in a ScientificVisualization Class?" Moorhead also served on a special panel that discussed several national initiatives in visualization.

This year's conference, Vis2004, was chaired by Dr. Kelly Gaither, formerlyof the ERC at MSU. Gaither worked in VAIL and in the SimCenter while obtaining her PhD in CME at MSU. Gaither is now the Associate Director of the Texas Advanced Computing Center at the University of Texas, Austin.

Also serving on the Conference Committee was Dr. Rhonda Vickery, aresearch assistant professor in GRI working at the Department of Defense's ASC/MSRC near Dayton, Ohio.

Ms. Mahnas Jean Mohammadi-Aragh and Mr. Joel Martin were 2 of the studentvolunteers involved in the conference. They did an exceptional job, and have been asked to be team leaders next year.

The 2005 IEEE Visualization Conference will be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota - City of Lakes, October 23 - 28, 2005. For information on next year's conference, visit