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Project Assessment Coordinator for the Strategic Conservation Assessment of Gulf Coast Landscapes (SCA) Project.

April 6, 2017

Announcement for the position of Project Assessment Coordinator for the Strategic Conservation Assessment of Gulf Coast Landscapes (SCA) project. The Restore Council approved the SCA project as one among a suite of projects in the 2015 initial Funded Priorities List. This project will coalesce existing conservation and socio-economic priorities into conservation planning decision support tools to aid the Restore Council and their stakeholders in identifying high priority lands for voluntary conservation efforts. The SCA project is being led by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Gulf Restoration Team and administered through a cooperative agreement with Mississippi State University, with support from the four Gulf Landscape Conservation Cooperatives.

The SCA project team is seeking Statements of Interest (SOIs) for a qualified individual or contracting organization to take on a lead role for this project. This individual or organization must have extensive experience in project coordination, organization of stakeholder meetings, and landscape-level natural resource conservation planning, preferably along the Gulf of Mexico coast.

Additional information and detailed submission instructions can be found in the SOI description and template, which is available for direct download link at: The SOI description and template is also attached to this email. Review of SOIs will begin May 15, 2017.

We would like to develop a highly competitive candidate pool for the position, and would greatly appreciate it if you could please forward this email widely among your networks and to any you feel may be interested in the position.

If you have any questions, are interested in submitting a SOI, or have a suggested candidate, please contact either the U.S. Fish and Wildlife project lead John Tirpak ( or MSU project lead Kristine Evans ( Interested applicants are strongly encouraged to consult with one of these individuals prior to a Statement of Interest submission.

Thank you for your interest and help in spreading this great opportunity.