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GeoResources Institute Participates in Recent Event

March 3, 2004

Starkville - The GeoResources Institute recently participated in a daylong program spotlighting a collaborative effort by Mississippi State University and the nation's largest public power company, the Tennessee Valley Authority to focus on various aspects of a 6-year-old MSU-TVA master plan of commercial and cooperative interactions.

The MSU-TVA work plan is a collaborative effort designed to combine the university's education, research and outreach capabilities with TVA's resources so that, working together, we can help improve the quality of life in Mississippi and throughout the region. The GeoResources Institute was invited to present 2 exhibits during the day-long program, and those exhibits were included in both the Research and Economic Development areas of the program.

The GRI exhibits included on-going projects such as the Water Impoundments for Economic Development in Choctaw County and the Bienville Resources and Development District (Smith, Rankin, Jasper, Simpson and Covington Counties) and the "Green Development" project involving American Eurocopter, Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality and the Environmental Protection Agency, Region IV.

Collaborative efforts are also under way in areas that include power quality, K-12 education, alternative fuels, affordable housing, and technology development and commercialization.