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Dr. Pat Fitzpatrick Announces his 2nd Hurricane Book

November 8, 2004

Dr. Pat Fitzpatrick of the GeoResources Institute's Stennis office has just authored his 2nd book about Hurricanes. The draft of Hurricanes: A Reference Handbook, Second Edition has been sent to the publisher (ABC-CLIO). After some edits and formatting, the book should be published in Spring 2005 or early Summer 2005. The book is a reference book, and as such the publisher's primary customer is libraries. However, it has something for everybody, and is suitable for students and the general public as well as specifically for emergency preparedness officials, public officials, and meteorologists.

The book's cover can be seen

Dr. Fitzpatrick published his first book on hurricanes titled Natural Disasters: Hurricanes in 1999. The first book may be ordered at:

More on the research being done at GRI.