Director of GRI and NGI Discusses Using UAS in AG to Reduce Cost and Improve Efficiency
November 20, 2015

Unmanned aerial systems (UASs) are going to increasingly be used in agriculture, as more ways are found for them to be of benefit to farmers and agribusinesses, says Robert Moorhead. But don't look for them to replace aerial applicators anytime soon.
"When I talk with aerial applicators, I emphasize that these systems aren't going to put you out of business," he says. Rather, he sees them as being complementary.
And says Moorhead, professor of electrical and computer engineering and director of the Geosystems Research Institute and Northern Gulf Institute at Mississippi State University, aerial applicators understand that the systems can have benefits for them.
Read more of the Delta Farm Press story,
"Unmanned Aircraft Uses for Agriculture 'Limited only by Imagination'