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GRI Announces Two Postdoctoral Research Associate Positions Available

July 9, 2007

The GeoResources Institute announces that two Postdoctoral Research Associate positions are now available. One position is in Atmospheric Sciences while the second is in Hydrometeorological Applications.

The GeoResources Institute (GRI) at Mississippi State University (MSU) has a mature research program in several areas of meteorology, atmospheric sciences, hydrology, and satellite remote sensing. These areas include tropical cyclones and coastal meteorology, numerical weather prediction, satellite meteorology, and land-atmosphere interactions, while including applications in agriculture and water resources management.

The successful candidates will work with a multi-disciplinary team on research projects, sponsored by the NASA Applied Sciences program, focused on the evaluation of NASA's current and planned satellite data. The position in Atmospheric Sciences will be using NASA's satellite data for earth science applications using numerical weather prediction models (NWP). The successful candidate will evaluate various satellite data sets using observing system simulation experiments (OSSE), characterize their uncertainties, and quantify their impacts in coastal and urban areas.

The position in Hydrometeorological Applications will be using NASA's satellite data (TRMM, GPM, AMSR-E, Aquarius) to estimate precipitation and soil moisture for earth science applications. The successful candidate will evaluate various precipitation data sets, characterize their uncertainties, develop new algorithms, incorporate other remotely sensed data into complex land surface and hydrological models, and/or verify & validate the precipitation data sets for applications using numerical models of land surface hydrology.

The full announcements are provided here for the Atmospheric Sciences position and the Hydrometeorological Applications.

Interested applicants should apply online at: for each position of interest and submit a cover letter, a summary of research experience, and a list of three professional references (with their contact telephone numbers and email addresses) - preferably as PDF file(s). For more information about the positions, please contact Dr. Lori Mann Bruce in the GeoResources Institute - Tel: (662)325-8430. Mississippi State University is an equal opportunity / affirmative action employer.