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GRI Students Continue to Excel

June 27, 2007

Two GRI graduate students received honors during the annual Mississippi State University Graduate Student Association Symposium. 'Amrit'anshu Thakur won second place for oral presentations with his research paper that focused on developing software architecture for data provenance. Amrit's major professor is Dr. Thomas Philip, Department of Computer Science and Engineering at MSU.

Lucas Majure was presented with the MSU Graduate Student Association's Master's Level Graduate Research Assistant of the Year Award. Lucas' major professor is Dr. Gary Ervin, MSU Department of Biological Sciences.

Graduate students studying under Dr. John Madsen, GRI Assistant Professor, also received recognition and awards. Ryan Wersal placed second in the student competition of the 37th Annual Mississippi Water Resources Conference. His submission was entitled "Littoral Zone Plant Communities in the Ross Barnett Reservoir, MS".

Joshua Cheshier was awarded a scholarship at this year's MidWest Aquatic Plant Management Society at their annual meeting in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Scholarships are offered to graduate students who have established a major that is within the Society's goals that focus on aquatic plant management problems and solutions.