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SPIE Announces New Journal for 2007: Journal of Applied Remote Sensing

September 26, 2006

A new SPIE e-journal, the Journal of Applied Remote Sensing (JARS), is scheduled for launch in January 2007. Submissions will be accepted beginning in October 2006.

As part of their family of journals, JARS will have the global reach and reputation that readers from major academic, government, and corporate institutions have come to expect from SPIE. Submission of your remote sensing research is encouraged and they urge you to take advantage of the numerous features and benefits of publishing in JARS:
  • Multimedia (video and audio) content
  • Color images at no additional cost
  • Rapid, article-at-a-time publication
  • Peer review
  • Inclusion in the most extensive resource available on optics and photonics--the SPIE Digital Library:
JARS will focus on important remote sensing technologies and applications, including (but not limited to):
  • Data acquisition and processing, communication, system integration, target selection, product applications, calibration, information analysis, mining, and management
  • Applications in the atmosphere, oceans, ecosystems, climate, agriculture, land cover/change, space, solar, ice/snow, hazard, fire, pollution, hydrology, and other environmental areas and their related information management, dissemination, and decision making
  • Program and experiment concepts, planning, implementation, strategic partnerships, policies, and measures of success leading to the optimal utilization of remote sensing data
For more information, please view the complete submission guidelines at

SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering is dedicated to advancing scientific research and engineering applications of optical, photonic, imaging, and optoelectronic technologies through its meetings, education programs, and publications.