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Master Gardener University Event Provides Workshop on the Mississippi State University GeoResources Institute Cactus Moth Project

June 3, 2005

Mississippi State University Extension Service Master Gardener Volunteers from throughout the state learned about the threat of the imported cactus moth to prickly pear cacti populations at the recent Master Gardener University.

Master Gardeners, who attended this workshop, will be assisting with the documentation of the prickly pear populations in Mississippi. This information will be used for mapping and monitoring for potential cactus moth infestations. This exotic pest is expected to have a catastrophic effect on the landscape of the western states and Mexico if its range expands beyond Louisiana.

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The cactus moth workshop was one of many educational sessions that were offered at this "train-the-trainer" event that was held May 18-20th. Sixty Master Gardener volunteers, representing 25 County Master Gardener programs, received training to enhance their ability to improve and expand program delivery of home horticulture information for their counties and communities. 

The Master Gardener Program is an educational volunteer program of the Mississippi State University Service that trains volunteers in horticulture topics in exchange for volunteer service to the county Extension office.

For more information about this volunteer program in horticulture visit or contact your county Extension office.