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September 21, 2023

GRI Seminar Series: Increasing Coastal Resilience

Dr. John Cartwright
Dr. John Cartwright
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Location: HPCC, Room 20
Speaker: Dr. John Cartwright, Assistant Extension Professor

Increasing Coastal Resilience through Geospatial Education and Outreach

Communities along the northern Gulf of Mexico are not strangers to coastal hazards, testing their resilience year after year. Impacts associated with climate change and sea level rise are continually challenging a community's ability to bounce back. Building geospatial capacity for improved management, planning, and development provides communities the resources to identify and compensate for vulnerabilities exposed by these hazards. The Geospatial Education and Outreach (GEO) Project empowers communities with geospatial skills and technologies for more informed decision making. The GEO project does this with a three-part approach through the development of educational resources, geospatial technology support, and research-based application development. This presentation will highlight the history and geospatial education and outreach efforts of this project.

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